HSU News

February Family Science Day Explores Erosion and Weather

Feb 8, 2022 | Events, News

Join the HSU Educational Foundation as we learn about how erosion wears away land by forces such as water, wind, and ice at this Family Science Day on Saturday, February 26th at the HSU STEM Range. Each month students and their families will explore STEM skills using hands-on experiences. Participants investigate, analyze and interpret scientific data during each session. These experiences focus on the study of environmental science interwoven with all other fields of science for interested third through fifth grade students and families.

February session topic: Erosion and Weather – Learn how scientists use patterns to predict weather, participants will test how wind, water, and ice erosion can impact surfaces like mountains, beaches, & more.

Special thanks to our workforce development sponsors for this program Florida Power and Light and Boeing!

This event will be held from 9am until noon at the HSU STEM Range 10,000 square foot pavilion located at 7396 Bill Lundy Road in Laurel Hill – 8 miles from the Crestview Airport.

Please bring a water bottle and snack for the family.
Wear closed toe shoes and long pants.
Dress appropriate for the weather. Heaters will be set up at the pavilion.
Let us know if you are unable to walk 900 feet from the parking check in area to the pavilion over the uneven ground at the Range. Transportation can be arranged if needed.
Questions? Contact: support@hsu-foundation.org

Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hsu-february-family-science-day-at-the-hsu-stem-range-tickets-257029059837

Download the flyer: HSU FEB STEM Range Day