HSU News

February Game Changers with 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron

Jan 24, 2021 | Events, News

The HSU Educational Foundation Game Changers event, scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2021, from 1 – 3 p.m., features a look into the 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron which is tasked with maintaining Hurlburt Field in support of its flying and downrange missions. The squadron utilizes multiple crafts/career fields to accomplish this including electricians, power production technicians, HVAC technicians, heavy equipment operators, carpenters, plumbers, pest control technicians, engineering assistants, and work managers. Additionally, the squadron includes Emergency Management and EOD Technicians along with Fire Fighters to support the management, maintenance, and reconstruction base infrastructure in the event of any attacks or natural disaster.

To register for this event, please go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/game-changers-feb-6-1st-special-operations-civil-engineer-squadron-tickets-137841187703