HSU News

HSU Spark Scholars Offers Practical Home Science Course for 4th – 8th Graders Starting October 28, 2021

Oct 25, 2021 | Events, News

Practical Home Science Course: 4th – 8th grade students will be introduced to several hands-on science projects for use around the house.

Please join us for this HSU Spark Scholars program called Practical Home Science course. This 9-week course is held on Thursdays from October 28th – Dec. 16th from 3:00pm-5pm at the HSU Innovation Institute North campus.

Throughout the course, students will be prototyping and building three main home science projects: water tower modeling, greenhouse scale modeling and building a telescope. These mini-projects will teach students to build some of the simple but useful household items that can be created from objects at the local hardware store and around the house, combined with a knowledge of STEM skills.

* Do not attend the course if the participant is not feeling well or running a temperature over 99.5 degrees.

* Students should bring a snack and personalized water bottle to the classes which may be refilled in the drinking fountain.

We take the safety of our staff and students very seriously. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

To register for this series of classes, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/practical-home-science-course-tickets-193863279287

View the pdf for more information – Practical Home Science