HSU News

Inaugural INNOV8+ STEM Community Expo and Gala

Dec 5, 2019 | Events, News

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DATE: Saturday, February 15, 2020

Innov8+ STEM Fusion GalaThe Fusion Gala and STEM Community Expo will provide a platform for community awareness and industry engagement that accelerates our combined influence on creating a strong future workforce.

Innov8+ fuses student learning and professional experience, creating a pathway between the classroom and practical application. Innov8+ is a coalition of educational organizations from Northwest Florida who share the common goal of inspiring our future generations to aggressively pursue solutions to tomorrow’s problems.

Innov8+ steering committee includes the Air Force Research Laboratory, Boys & Girls Club of the Emerald Coast, Doolittle Institute, Emerald Coast Robotics Alliance, Emerald Coast Science Center, HSU Educational Foundation, and Okaloosa County School District Career and Technical Education. The HSU Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonfor-profit organization, is the fiduciary for Innov8+.

INNOV8+ STEM Community Expo – 10 am – 2 pm

Free and open to the public and families, outdoor and indoor displays and activities. Demonstrations of STEM education and innovations happening in the local area. Drone competition and a robotics demonstration. Hands on interactive science exhibits. STEM employers will exhibit examples of applications of STEM used in their businesses every day.

INNOV8+ Fusion Gala – 5:30 pm – 10 pm

Limited ticket availability, don’t miss out

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