HSU News

Six Week Course to Learn Network Fundamentals with MAG Aerospace Starts April 26

Apr 23, 2021 | Events, News

HSU Innovation Institute and MAG Aerospace present a 6-week Computer Fundamentals course on Mondays, 3:00 to 5:00 pm, starting April 26th through June 7, 2021. With this course, we will define the computer network by the protocols it uses to communicate, the physical arrangement of its components, how it controls traffic, and its purpose. The […]

HSU Innovation Institute and MAG Aerospace present a 6-week Computer Fundamentals course on Mondays, 3:00 to 5:00 pm, starting April 26th through June 7, 2021.

With this course, we will define the computer network by the protocols it uses to communicate, the physical arrangement of its components, how it controls traffic, and its purpose. The learning objectives will include:

• List the different network protocols and network standards.

• List the different network types and topologies.

• List the different types of network devices used in a network.

• Describe network communication principles like TCP/IP, DNS, and ports.

• Learn how to read binary and translate binary

This is a 6-week course to be held on Mondays from 3pm – 5pm (April 26th – June 7th) with no class on Memorial Day (5/31) and will be held in the MAG Lab at HSU Innovation Institute South, 709 Anchors Street, Fort Walton Beach, FL.

This course will be open to a mix of adult and school aged students (6th through 12th grade). Participation requires a desire to learn new skills and an eagerness to explore new technologies. Come join in on this opportunity to learn the fundamentals of computer networks.

Register for the course here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hsu-foundation-network-fundamentals-course-with-mag-aerospace-tickets-150920450129