HSU News

From the Bookshelves: Guardians of the Dream by Paul Hsu

Apr 21, 2014 | News

Originally posted on ImmigrationProf Blog

In 1976, when Paul Hsu decided to bid farewell to his native Taiwan and emigrated to the U.S., he was in search of a better education and more promising career prospects. What he found was the land of opportunity. Now a business owner, engineer, presidential appointee, and devoted husband and father, Paul is a proud American who’s aspirations and drive to make a better life for himself, his family and the people around him would not have come to fruition were it not for that fateful choice he made almost 40 years ago.

In Guardians of the Dream, Paul recounts his journey as a newly arrived immigrant with $500 to his name to founder and chief executive of a 450-employee company with annual revenues of $60 million. In addition, the new book captures his insights on the invaluable role today’s immigrants play in keeping America atop the global marketplace.

A refutation of the cynical pronouncements that America and its ideals are in decline, as well as a reaffirmation of the unifying principles that served to shape the most powerful democracy and economy in the world, Guardians of the Dream is testament that the American Dream—in large part because of its tradition of immigrants—is alive and as strong as ever.