During this course, students will work with a robotics expert to create and build a Microbe Busting Robot (MBR) for use in keeping buildings clean and safe.
The Micro Busting Robot (MBR) is another layer of defense against spreading COVID and other infectious diseases. Once complete, the students will have built an MBR which will traverse throughout the HSU Innovation Institute after hours and strobe a high energy UVC light radiating all exposed areas within the facility including frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, computer keyboards & mice, chairs, etc. The high energy from short wavelength UV-C light is absorbed in the cellular RNA and DNA, damaging nucleic acids and preventing microorganisms from infecting and reproducing. The students will take part in this innovative project from design to completion and apply STEM skills related to robotics and engineering.
This course is limited to students who are 12 years of age and older and able to attend both classes and sponsored through the support of the City of FWB.
Students will attend two after-school classes for robot design and development at the HSU Innovation Institute South at 709 Anchors Street FWB, FL 32548.
Course dates:
Monday, April 26th – 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Monday, May 3rd – 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Register for the course here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hsu-microbe-busting-robot-mbr-course-tickets-150579891509