HSU News

CyberPatriot Club Starts October 20, 2021

Oct 18, 2021 | Events, News

Join the HSU North CyberPatriot Club – Wednesdays after school for participants interested in careers in cybersecurity disciplines.

CyberPatriot team members will learn basic concepts and practices of cybersecurity and their application as used to secure computer systems. The Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot competition provides a means of reinforcing and demonstrating this knowledge through a friendly team-based competition.

Each week through the competition time in March, the HSU North CyberPatriot Club will meet at the HSU Innovation Institute in Crestview (CyberPatriot Club will not meet on school holidays). Teams are made up of 6-8 high school and/or middle school students interested in working toward careers in cybersecurity and other STEM disciplines critical to our nation’s future.

Do you want to learn about cybersecurity? Are you ready to learn more about how the computer you use day to day works and how to protect it? Are you bored with your current operating system and want to learn a new one? You will discover and use various versions of Linux, a different type of operating system than Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS. You will learn how to secure Microsoft Windows operating systems, desktop and server versions, as well as Linux. While exploring all of these new options, you will be preparing for a national youth cyber-defense competition with your team. How far will you help take your team?

Contact us at support@hsu-foundation with any questions.

Register for the club here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hsu-north-cyberpatriot-club-tickets-192418076647