HSU News

The Entrepreneurial Mindset : You Can Kill Your Business With Your Mind

Jul 16, 2014 | News

Dr. Paul Hsu was recently interviewed as a special guest on the WebTalkRadio.net show, Small Business: Smart Solutions on the topic of the entrepreneurial mindset that sets successful innovators apart in small business today. Dr. Hsu shared highlights of his personal experience and tips from Guardians of the Dream which served him well as a […]

Dr. Paul Hsu was recently interviewed as a special guest on the WebTalkRadio.net show, Small Business: Smart Solutions on the topic of the entrepreneurial mindset that sets successful innovators apart in small business today.

Dr. Hsu shared highlights of his personal experience and tips from Guardians of the Dream which served him well as a business leader and owner of multiple small businesses.

Radio host Mick Hawes is also the co-founder of UncoverHiddenProfits.com, a dynamic business designed to help the small business owner find the massive amounts of profits that are largely untapped in nearly every small business. Over the last 20 plus years, Mick has gathered enormous amounts of experience, valuable resources, tools and templates to help the small business owners and his show offers listeners solutions to reignite their entrepreneurial spirit.