HSU News

Book celebrates upbeat legacy of immigrants

Apr 29, 2014 | News

Originally published on Asian American Press

Is the United States still “The Land of Opportunity?”Guardians Of The Dream book cover image

Dr. Paul Hsu, author of Guardians of the Dream: The Enduring Legacy of America’s Immigrants, is certain America will continue to remain the greatest nation on Earth due to the enduring and positive legacy of its immigrants and their faithful role as enthusiastic guardians of the American Dream.

Now available on Amazon.com, Guardians of the Dream has won advance praise for inspiring a constructive view of America as a nation of promise and limitless opportunities.

Guardians of the Dream is not only the firsthand account of the entrepreneurial journey of Dr. Hsu—a business leader, presidential appointee and first generation immigrant who came to America from Taiwan to build a better life for himself and his family—but a thought-provoking look at the contributions and values of historic and present-day immigrants who embrace freedom and opportunity. The new book also documents how our immigrants have strengthened the country in the face of continuous challenges.

“Too many grow numb to the remarkable opportunities America affords, but guys like Paul Hsu are reminders of the great achievements we can all realize,” said Joe Scarborough, “Morning Joe” talk show host.

Norman Mineta, former secretary of the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Commerce, called Guardians of the Dream a “must read…a tribute to the contributions immigrants have made to America.”

This new highly readable book is a refutation of the cynical pronouncements that America and its ideals are in decline, as well as a reaffirmation of the unifying principles that served to shape the most powerful democracy and economy in the world.

Dr. Paul Hsu is currently chairman of Hsu Enterprise Group. Born in Taiwan, he founded Manufacturing Technology Incorporated (MTI) in 1984. Dr. Hsu earned a M.S. in Industrial Management and Systems Engineering from the University of Central Missouri and a Ph.D. in engineering management from LaSalle University.