HSU News

STEM Range Days Offer Monthly Hands-on Environmental Science Experiences

Oct 25, 2021 | Events, News

Join the HSU Educational Foundation for monthly HSU STEM Range Days beginning on Saturday, November 20th. HSU STEM Range days are opportunities held on the third Saturdays each month for participants to learn about environmental science skills with hands-on experiences covering a different scientific theme each month. Participants will investigate, analyze and interpret scientific data each session. These experiences will focus on the study of environmental science interwoven with all the other fields of science for interested third through fifth grade participants.

Special thanks to our workforce development sponsors for this program are Gulf Power and Boeing!

Upcoming session topics include:

Chemical and Physical changes

Weather and Erosion

To register for these hands-on experiences, go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hsu-stem-range-days-tickets-195544678397

For more information, view the informational pdf: HSU STEM Range Days Flyer